Friday, September 06, 2013

Presenting: The Wolf Spider

(Jun 20, 2013): This spider hanging around where I'm presently seated. About the size of the mouth of a Gatorade bottle.

Update: Well, it was fortuitous to bump into this famous species, the Wolf Spider. FYI, it is one of the top 10 most dangerous spiders (not venomous, though) on the planet. If it wasn't for Kru's observation, I'd have not even tried to identify that fuzzy design on its back, which later turned to be tiny spider babies clinging on to its mother's abdomen. The gray-colored species is rarer, as a quick google search proves.

On further fact-finding, what's awesome about a Wolf Spider is:
  • It lives and hunts alone; never in packs. It goes against the intuitive naming as "wolf".
  • It doesn't spin a web. It goes out in the night and hunts its prey in realtime, like a true predator.
  • Since it doesn't spin any web, a mother is either found carrying its egg-sac under its abdomen, or having buried it in a tunnel.
  • It has beautiful 8 eyes in the pattern of 4-2-2. The central ones are prominently large.
  • It can run fast, climb, and swim. Like a boss.
  • It has a good vision, unlike the other spider species.

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